Although on our diverse planet we have many holidays, Earth Day is quickly becoming my personal favorite. Perhaps this is because I feel such gratitude for the Earth as my home and want to take care of it with the utmost respect, or perhaps it is because most of the other holidays we have are so “Earth-unfriendly”. Whatever the case may be, I love any celebration that focuses on honoring and healing our beautiful planet.

There are many things that we can do to live out a more “environmentally friendly” life and leave a smaller impact on this currently fragile system. Anything from what we drive or what we eat to what type of home gardening we do and what kinds of products we use to clean our homes with.

So seeing as it is Earth day and it is April, usually a popular month for spring cleaning, I wanted to share with you today some reputable environmentally friendly or “green” cleaning product companies. Today, in the developed countries, we live in a world of abundance and in the year 2009 it is actually not hard to find more and more companies who are supporting the Earth, by producing non-toxic products.

Thus here are 10 companies who are providers of environmentally friendly cleaning supplies. Now, while some of them still have products that need to be improved on in terms of their health effects on us, today’s focus is that they are “green” and non-toxic for our Earth. They are listed in random order. Each of these companies offers a full line of “green” home cleaning products and some even more!

  1. Seventh Generation

  2. Greener Choice OxiBrite

  3. Ecover

  4. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day

  5. J. R. Watkins

  6. Nature Clean

  7. Method

  8. Simple Green Naturals

  9. Shaklee

  10. ECOS – Earth Friendly Products

So there they are! Lots of variety to choose the product that works best for your cleaning needs, home or budget. Most of these are fairly easy to find in stores across North America and some in even other parts of the world. If you cannot find them in a store near you, many of them can also be purchased online.

However, do not forget that there is immense power and thriftiness in simple baking soda and vinegar, which can safely and effectively pretty much clean the whole house. For simple home-made cleaning solutions that are both environmentally friendly, safe and effective, check out the following from Loretta’s Clean & Green, where she offers simple recipes for all sorts of household cleaning.

What is not included in this list are green products from companies that use MLM (multi-level marketing) and thus are hard for some to get or lock a person into buying the products. And for those of you wondering where Clorox Green Works is, let me just tell you that I will take them seriously, when they take the environment seriously and stop producing their other highly toxic lines.

In conclusion, may we remember that making a difference for the Earth should not be saved only for one day. May we use Earth Day as a reminder and an inspiration to treat our Earth right and live sustainably every day! And if this is the first time you are thinking of going “green,” may this Earth Day mark for you the start of a beautiful journey of making a difference on this precious planet that we call home!