Something disconcerting has happened in our world this year; something that has been very difficult for many of us who understand health and biology basics to observe and try to process. Sure, we have had countless disturbing things happen from the start of human history, as we know it, but this year humanity has really outdone itself, yet again, it seems. Over the millennia, humans have caused unspeakable suffering to other humans and animals and destruction to the Earth, a lot of which continues to this day. However, with each decade, we should be getting smarter and doing better. We should be evolving forward positively with enhanced intelligence and understanding of our choices and their consequences.

Perhaps that is just wishful thinking on my part. There is no hard-written rule, after all, that says we must evolve forward in our thinking and actions. We could very much devolve, and that is exactly what became amplified this year about where the human race is going.

After two centuries of advances and understanding in human biology and immunology, this year, in the name of a coronavirus pandemic, it has caused us to forget everything we learned thus far. It has caused us to act and react in unreasonable and exaggerated ways that have caused much more harm than the initial problem that they were trying to solve. For society as a whole, the cure became worse than the disease. En masse, seemingly intelligent people, experts, and government officials have lost all reason and ability to assess risk rationally. After decades of understanding that cold and flu viruses are naturally overcome by our immune systems and pose little risk unless we are very diseased, very old, or very overweight, this year, fear and panic set in over a coronavirus that has been proven to have a survivalbility rate of over 99% for most people.

Fear, paranoia, hysteria, emotional burnout, and the dramatization and politicization of erroneous data and medically and scientifically-irresponsible testing and reporting have caused a massive collapse in human intelligence. The majority of people have lost all ability to think for themselves or know how to ensure their own well-being. Things that should be common sense, like washing one’s hands regularly, having daily access to the outdoors and movement, and the right amount of oxygen without any obstruction, are now being fought against. Things like children having healthy childhoods that provide them with the right opportunities to develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially are being denied this basic right and subjected to psychological trauma that will take decades, if not generations, to undo. In the name of a pandemic, with minuscule risk for most, people have allowed themselves to be imprisoned in their own homes, forbidden to visit family and friends, forbidden from traveling and celebrating life’s milestones.

Fear infects every facet of our being and is capable of completely taking over our ability to think logically and reason, where we lash out at anyone or anything that tries to liberate us from its spell.

Yet here we are. Months into this political mask-erade and while some people have been able to wake up and shake themselves out of the nightmare conditioned upon them, sadly, many more still have not. Most people continue to hide behind the false sense of security that lockdowns, masks, sanitizers, and vaccines aim to promise. Brainwashing is easy; independent thinking isn’t. As long as most people continue to be educated by the mainstream media and social media, they will continue to passively go along with and participate in measures that go completely against human intelligence and well-being. This also results in taking on more and more polarized views and rejecting anything that does not fit the narrative that people have been led to believe. However, we can never escape the consequences of our actions and no amount of ignorance or naivety will save us in the end.

One of the worst problems in all of this is that too many people believe and trust so-called “authorities” who will never be held accountable for individual people’s suffering due to the problematic mandates and political actions they imposed. When harmful and irresponsible measures negatively impact our physical or mental health and that of our families, we are the ones left responsible for dealing with the fallout. No amount of blame or ignorance will help us in such situations. This is why we must each take personal accountability and responsibility for our own choices and actions.

The Right Actions Come From the Right Information

Of course, you cannot possibly make the right choices or take the right actions if you are uninformed or misinformed about any given topic. The quality of your choices is directly correlated to the quality of the information you subject yourself to.

So what can you do? A lot! Do not for a second think that you have “no choice” because you have more choice than you realize. The problem is that most people go around believing that they have no choice, and when you put many people like this together, you get a society that blindly obeys out of fear and apathy. Change your beliefs, and you change your reality. Similarly, most people who think they have no choice only think that way because they are unwilling to change their own actions and lifestyles that would provide them with new choices. For example, the less you depend on any system in society, the more choice and freedom you have. Either way, three things can help you become more empowered and be better informed to take responsibility for your choices.

  • First, you must become very aware and discerning where and from whom you get your information. If that person or group has any political or monetary stake in the matter, it is highly unlikely that this will serve as a trustworthy source who is working for your best interest.

  • Second, take time and effort to learn and research each pertinent topic from numerous sources. Listen to opposing ideas to see what you may be missing or should consider. If you never venture outside of your comfort zone, you will continue to be told only what you want to be told and are comfortable hearing. Aim to be more observant and less reactive when you are subjected to new information. One of humanity’s greatest downfalls is its own arrogance about how much it thinks it knows. No one ever has the whole story or truth for us, so the more you combine information from many sources, the more you will understand the scope and big picture of any given topic.

  • Third, you need to be aware of the trap of cognitive dissonance. The human mind can be very strong and, at the same time, very weak. Cognitive dissonance occurs when our thoughts are out of alignment with our actions. Most of us are completely unaware of our personal cognitive dissonance, partly because it causes unpleasant feelings and is uncomfortable for our Ego and partly because we lack proper self-awareness. This is where practices like meditation and yoga are so valuable because they allow us to increase our self-awareness to have a better understanding of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and know ourselves beyond just our Ego identities. Cognitive dissonance is one of the biggest reasons people refuse to change their minds or change their habits even when presented with information that would dictate such changes. If you refuse to change your actions, your mind will come up with every excuse why you shouldn’t or don’t need to despite evidence to the contrary.

  • Fourth, and most importantly, think more for yourself. Herd mentality, groupthink, and social pressure run high, and we are all prone to it, especially if it means fitting in and being accepted by the majority. We all want to feel good about ourselves and look good in the eyes of others. This is what causes people to act completely against their own knowing and better judgment, as shown in this social psychology experiment if it means fitting in with others and being part of the “in-crowd.” However, we cannot act as the symbolic lemmings over the cliff scenario because when others go down, if we are following the same actions blindly, we go right down with them.

Regain Critical Thought and Accurate Risk Assessment Skills

Therefore, to be capable of critical thought, we must be open to information from a variety of opposing sources to attain the most information from all perspectives. This will help you gain a balanced view rather than an extreme or polarized one. If you are strongly for or against something, not only are you setting yourself up for disappointment, but you are also choosing to take an ignorant stance by refusing to acknowledge the validity of the other side. Only after sufficient information has been gathered are we in a position to make up our minds about what is best for us but we can never kid ourselves by thinking that we know what is best for another person or that they should comply with what makes us comfortable. That, again, is just a sign of ignorance and arrogance. For example, it helps no one to take the stance of a “pro-vaxxer” or an “anti-vaxxer.” Both are erroneous positions. Instead, the intelligent thing is to do your own research and choose what you feel is right for you without imposing your will on others. Each person needs to learn to be responsible for their own body and choices, and no matter how much we try to force others to adopt our views, it is not our right to enforce our will on others, especially where the topic of health risks and benefits is concerned.

Second, and as eluded to above, you must think for yourself by relying more on inner reflection and less on outer distraction. The external world is excellent at dispersing our energy and sucking our attention to the point that there is no room in our mind left for any critical thinking. Instead, we become polarized towards one view and stick with it even when new facts or ideas are presented to the contrary. Many people are more aware today that social media excels at creating and fueling polarization and views that pin people with opposing views against each other in unproductive, unpleasant, and downright hostile ways. This is destructive to our humanity. We have lost the ability to have an effective dialogue where each person can safely share their views and ideas for consideration in an open debate. Shutting down others’ views just because we disagree with them is fundamentally wrong on so many levels and it confines us to a narrow field of vision.

Essential Questions to Reflect On

Therefore, here is a series of critical questions that I invite you to go through and reflect upon yourself at your own leisure. I have sub-divided them by major Covid topics:

Viral Risk and Lifestyle Choices

  • Am I living in fear of Covid-19? Why or why not?
  • Do I trust my immune system to function as intended to protect and heal me from viral and bacterial infections without medical interventions? Why or why not?
  • If you live in fear, how does this help to support your immune system, which is stressed and suppressed by fear?
  • If you are overweight, which is one of the top risk factors for getting Covid-19 and having complications from it, have you taken steps to reduce your weight? Why or why not?
  • If you have diabetes type 2 and/or hypertension, which are additional top risk factors for getting Covid-19 and having complications, have you taken steps to improve your health and halt or reverse these conditions, which is doable today through the right lifestyle factors? Why or why not?
  • Have I changed my diet to include more fresh fruits and vegetables, which are the most supportive foods for optimal immune function, during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not?
  • Have I removed toxic substances that stress and impede the function of my immune system, like tobacco, alcohol, and sugar, during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not?
  • Have I paid more attention to getting enough quality sleep, which is highly supportive for optimal immune function, during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not?
  • Have I made a point to get regular physical exercise and access to fresh air during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not?
  • Have I taken care of my mental health to prevent being overwhelmed by negative news and fear-mongering during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not?
  • Have I reached out sufficiently to family, friends, and professionals I know can support my overall well-being during stressful and traumatic times during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not?
  • Do I believe that each adult human being should have autonomy over their own body, including what lifestyle and medical options they choose? Why or why not?

Mask Use

  • Do I wear a mask in indoor public places, such as stores, offices, and transport? Why or why not?
  • Do I wear a mask in any outdoor spaces? Why or why not?
  • Have I done any personal research on the effectiveness of masks? Why or why not?
  • Have I considered the impact of mask use on adults’ physical, mental, and social well-being?
  • Have I considered the impact of mask use on children’s physical, mental, and social development?
  • Does it bother me when other people wear masks? Why or why not?
  • Does it bother me when other people don’t wear masks? Why or why not?
  • Do I feel strongly, whether positively or negatively, about any other area dealing with masks, such as health, social, or political reasons?
  • Have I considered the impact of mask mandates on human rights and liberties? Why or why not?

PCR Covid-19 Testing

  • Have I gotten a PCR test for Covid-19 at any time since January 2020? Why or why not?
  • Am I in favor of PCR testing for Covid-19? Why or why not?
  • How well do I understand how a PCR test works?
  • Have I done any personal research on the accuracy of PCR tests for Covid-19? Why or why not?
  • How do I feel about mandatory Covid-19 testing in certain workplaces? Why?
  • How do I feel about mandatory Covid-19 testing to access large events and venues? Why?
  • How do I feel about mandatory Covid-19 testing for travel, whether by air, train, bus, or other? Why?
  • Have I considered the impact of mandatory Covid-19 testing on human rights and liberties? Why or why not?

Hand and Surface Sanitizers

  • Do I use any kind of sanitizer on my hands? Why or why not?
  • Do I know and trust the ingredients of any sanitizer that I use? Why or why not?
  • Am I aware of the possible external and internal health risks associated with sanitizer use? Why or why not?
  • Do I think sanitizer use should be mandatory to enter any public spaces? Why or why not?
  • Do I realize that washing the hands with regular soap and water for an appropriate amount of time is the most effective way to prevent and reduce the risk of infections? Why or why not?
  • Do I realize that medical and other professionals have established that sanitizer use is not a replacement for proper handwashing? Why or why not?
  • What do I use to clean the surfaces of things and areas in my home? Why do I choose this or these products?
  • Am I aware that conventional household cleaning chemicals come with increased risks of creating or triggering allergies, asthma, skin conditions, and irritations? Why or why not?
  • Am I aware that certain ingredients in conventional household cleaning chemicals are neurotoxic, carcinogenic, and endocrine (hormone) disruptors? Why or why not?
  • What do I feel is the best way to maintain a clean and healthy home, in a way that does not lower certain health risks only to increase others? Why?

Lockdowns and Quarantines

  • Am I in favor of widespread lockdowns and business closures, whether short-term or long-term? Why or why not?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on people’s physical health and wellbeing?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on people’s mental health?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on the elderly who are confined to isolated living?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on those people who still have to go to work?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on those people who have lost their livelihoods and businesses?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on children’s physical, mental, and social development?
  • Have I considered the impact of lockdowns on human rights and liberties?


  • Do I regularly use any required vaccines? Why or why not?
  • Am I in favor of a vaccine for Covid-19? Why or why not?
  • How well do I understand how vaccines work, especially as compared to the human immune system?
  • Do I understand that vaccines are drugs, and just like any other drugs, they come with possible side-effects and risks?
  • Have I done any personal research on the efficacy of vaccines? Why or why not?
  • Have I done any personal research on the safety of vaccines? Why or why not?
  • Have I done any personal research on the ingredients in vaccines? Why or why not?
  • Do I realize that there has never been an effective coronavirus vaccine produced?
  • Do I realize that what the “press releases” in the media say about the Covid-19 vaccine is not the same as what the science experts say about Covid-19 vaccines?
  • Do I realize that vaccines take years to develop to establish enough data about their efficacy and safety?
  • Am I capable of analyzing the risks of taking a Covid-19 vaccine versus not taking it based on my personal health status? For example, in young and healthy people, there is a high potential of greater risks coming from the vaccine than coming from Covid-19; in old and diseased people the risks are typically reversed.
  • Am I aware that there are currently over 200 Covid-19 vaccines in development?
  • Am I aware that the initial Covid-19 vaccines that have been produced use a type of mRNA biotechnology that has never before been used in humans?
  • How do I feel about the possibility of mandatory Covid-19 vaccines for all children and adults? Why?
  • How do I feel about the possibility of mandatory Covid-19 vaccines in certain workplaces only? Why?
  • How do I feel about the possibility of mandatory Covid-19 vaccines to access large events and venues? Why?
  • How do I feel about the possibility of mandatory Covid-19 vaccines for travel, whether by air, train, bus, or other? Why?


Do your research. Think for yourself. Take responsibility for your choices and actions.

Focus on what you need to do to feel comfortable and protected, and ensure your own health through your lifestyle choices. Your health, when it comes to Covid and similar conditions, is NOT determined by what other people choose to do or not do as much as it is determined by your immune system. So save yourself from the stress of judging, criticizing, and focusing on other people’s choices and instead focus on yourself - your lifestyle choices and actions.

A healthy and balanced body and mind are no match for any toxic invader. Taking responsibility for your own health means that no one else can make you sick unless your internal environment was already in a weak or diseased state. To support your body and mind in the best ways, apply the top 10 lifestyle guidelines for optimal health.