As our awareness expands and we begin to understand and respect the need to take serious care of our health and well-being, there are many books out there today to help us on our journey in all areas of our wellness. However, some clearly stand out more than others in their worth and value. What stands out for me in a really good book is a deep holistic focus and practical aspect. There are many other topics and areas of life where it is fun to be philosophical and theorize. When it comes to health and wellness, a practical aspect is what makes the difference. We need to walk the talk, not just talk it.
One such book is Madeleine Marentette’s Grail Springs Holistic Detox. This is a book that is true to its word in that it focuses on our holistic being as a whole. Aside from being highly practical, the cornerstone property of this book to address healing, health and wellness, is a mind, body and spirit foundation. This has become the basis of how I see optimal health today. There can be no optimal health without addressing, balancing and brining harmony to these three key areas of our being.
And so it is a great pleasure to share with you all my thoughts and experience with this book, as I know the great potential it has to help so many people, on so many levels. It can help you further understand yourself as a holistic being. It can help you understand or take part in a detox program. It can help you understand the mind-body connection in the creation of disease. And it can help you live your best life ever, full of the perfect health and wellness that each one of us deserves.
About the Author
Grail Springs Holistic Detox is written by Madeleine Marentette and was first published in 2007. A new paperback version with a brand new section called ‘Creating Your Sacred Space’ plus 25 new recipes was released in 2009.
Madeleine is an author, speaker, spiritual guide, founder and creator of the Grail Springs—Canada’s leading holistic health and wellness retreat centre. Throughout her life, Madeleine studied art history, architectural design, Raja yoga, and various spiritual, metaphysical, holistic and health disciplines. Today, Madeleine architects numerous wellness programs both locally at the Grail Springs and internationally, through her newly launched Grail Global Village. Attracting visitors worldwide, Madeleine lives by and shares with others how to live a healthy, vibrant and brilliant life through diet, exercise and reflection. She has dedicated her life of service towards people, planet and the sacred animal kingdom. She is always active in speaking, co-creating with others, creating green forums and spiritual retreats to raise awareness on environmental sustainability, social justice, spiritual fulfillment, and the protection of animals and their welfare worldwide.
For more information on Madeleine Marentette and her work, as well as Grail Springs, please visit
Book Format & Content
Grail Springs Holistic Detox is a beautifully laid out and pleasant read, with numerous practical parts. Following a foreword by Dr. Elson Haas, and introduction from the author, the book contains 7 chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 – A Journey in Transformation
- an exploration of Madeleine’s personal health journey, how and why she was called to natural and holistic modalities, and the start of Grail Springs
Chapter 2 – Seek, Find, and Drink From the Cup
- an exploration of the legend of the Grail, reason for the Grail foundation, and the Grail Code
Chapter 3 – The Mind-Body Connection
- understanding what is wellness, the mind’s role in the creation of health and disease, understanding energy’s role in our being, the 7 Grail essentials for a brilliant and vibrant life
Chapter 4 – Get Thee A Master Plan!
- a thorough exploration of various nutritional detox regimens, and the Acid-Alkaline balance, including recipes from the Grail kitchen
Chapter 5 – Purify Thyself
- an exploration of various external detox regimens, including skin brushing, saunas, mud baths, colonics, salt baths, as well as proper sleeping, breathing, water intake, body work and exercise
Chapter 6 – Know Thyself: The Science of the Mind
- an exploration of the mind and perception, as well as the art of reflection, journalling, the labyrinth and the role of seasonal cycles in our health and wellness
Chapter 7 – Conclusion
- the Grail life guide and closing thoughts
Personal Commentary
There are so many aspects of Grail Springs Holistic Detox that I greatly enjoyed, and resonated with. For starters I wish to mention the overall look of the book. Even though we should not judge a book by its cover, first impressions are vital in many of the life choices we make. Madeleine’s Grail Springs Holistic Detox is plainly put, a beautiful book. Right from the inviting cover, to every page throughout, there is a clearly evident element of artistic flair. The original book to me is nothing short of a gift edition. The interior uses color, featuring numerous beautiful and applicable images that set the atmosphere for the journey of self discovery and holistic wellness. The style, the layout, and the overall appeal are enough on their own to make one want to read this book.
Secondly, I was drawn to the overall holistic message and its precepts. Often between various health, nutrition or holistic teachers and authors there may be great differences in how subjects are approached, what is recommended, etc. I know that a big part of why I enjoyed the book so much and would recommend it to others, is because it follows the teachings and practice of how I approach holistic health. I am a huge proponent of the Acid-Alkaline way of eating, as well as the plant-based approach. I also respect the connection our mind plays in our health and wellness, as well as the practices of yoga, reflection, meditation and detox. The messages Madeleine shares are congruent with natural health experts and integrative doctors today, combing the best of ancient wisdom with modern findings.
The acid/alkaline pH balance approach to diet is the single most important piece of information to ensure physical health and longevity.
Madeleine Marentette, Grail Springs
My third reason for finding this book highly valuable and enjoyable was its practical nature. If Madeleine talks about a certain way of eating, she provides recipes. If she talks about a certain exercise flow, she explains it step by step with accompanying images. Various charts, diagrams and outlines are provided to really make the journey for the reader valuable, practical and easy to follow. The recipes do not include images, which I am sure many people would love to see, but they do include a wide variety of meal ideas to meet the needs of those who are vegan, vegetarian and omnivores alike. Specific detox recipes are also included.
Lastly, I really enjoyed that the book included Madeleine’s personal story of her journey into holistic health and wellness, as well as how the Grail Springs Retreat Center came to be. Madeleine had many challenges, some so big that the reader may wonder how she got through them and is in the amazing space she is today in her life. I find it very powerful to share our struggles and challenges, as it can inspire and motivate others to change what is not working in their life. No matter what challenges are in our life, there is someone out there who has gone through a similar path and is now on the other side, helping us, sharing what they know, what worked for them and how we can heal as well. And then finally, to see how Madeleine turned her personal health and life challenges around to build a holistic wellness retreat center, that can help others heal is in one word—remarkable.
When you make a conscious decision to begin a new path in life, transformation has already begun.
Madeleine Marentette, Grail Springs
There are parts of the book that have the potential to move the reader to tears and parts that include lots of common sense tips, advice, and even some humor. It is an easy book to read that flows well, and one gets the feeling as if Madeleine was talking to us personally in a warm, inviting discussion, rather than any dissertation. The best part about the book is that it gives all those who cannot travel to the Grail Springs Retreat Center, a chance to know how to approach holistic detox and holistic living wherever they may be.
Having had the chance to visit the Grail Springs personally on several occasions, and experience the beauty of the grounds, enchanting decor and holistic foundation, I can definitely attest to the quality that the wellness center provides for each guest’s stay. There is an intricate balance struck between education, relaxation, healing and rejuvenation. No detail is missed and every guest’s stay during their healing or detox journey is uniquely addressed. It is clear that for Madeleine this way of life is not about talking some fancy talk, but about walking the walk, and being a living example of the health, vitality and joy one can live with when they honor the mind-body-spirit dimensions of their being.
In conclusion, I definitely recommend this book for everyone who is ready for a transformation whether that be through big steps or small steps, and is ready to take a deeper look at the state of their life and health. All those who are ready to take their health and wellness to the next level can definitely benefit from this book greatly. If you are ready to heal, or want to understand yourself as a holistic being on the deepest level, or are suffering from any conditions, or want to be proactive in preventing disease, this is a great resource to help you on that journey.
Every day and every moment we are on the path of opportunity for discovery and restoration.
Madeleine Marentette, Grail Springs