As the field of natural health expands, more and more people are becoming open to various alternative healing methods. One of the oldest healing methods, which today maintains its foundation in the area of quantum physics, is that of energy healing.
From hands-on techniques, to hands-off techniques, many different forms of energy healing exist today. Reiki and Reconnective healing are only two examples. However, no matter what method we look at, what they all hold in common, is that there is a Universal field of energy that connects us all and is the basis of our existence. Today we know that beyond the molecular or atomic level, we are all energy. Subsequently any and all disease, is an imbalance or depletion of the life energy within us.
Energy healing is completely safe and can prove to be effective on anything from skin cuts to malignant cancers. The best part is, that it is completely non-invasive and does not produce any unpleasant side-effects, like that of many traditional medical methods. Finally, one does not need to know about it, have faith in it, or believe it, for it to work. In my opinion the only downfall of it, is how few people take advantage of such an amazing resource, which is part of our body’s natural healing ability.
Hence in this review, I would like to share with you a course, which enables any of us to embrace something which is a very natural and real part of each of us. This is a course that can teach anyone to bring out their natural gift of being a conduit of healing energy. It is William Bengston’s Hands-on Healing: A Training Course in the Energy Cure course, and what follows are my thoughts and experience with it, helping you know what you can expect from it.
About the Author
William Bengston has a PhD in sociology and is a professor of sociology at St.Joseph’s College in New York. He comes to the field of energy healing, not from the background of a medical professional or New Age junkie, but as a researcher. William has over 35 years of experience with energy healing, through laboratory, clinical and anecdotal research.
Bengston has become one of today’s leading researchers into the mystery and power of energy medicine. Bengston has publications in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Explore. In addition, he has lectured widely throughout the United States and Europe.
Along with the course, William has written The Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-on Healing which was newly released in the fall of 2010. It was written in collaboration with Sylvia Fraser.
For more information on William Bengston and his work, please visit his site Bengston Research.
About the Format
Hands-on Healing: A Training Course in the Energy Cure was newly released in November 2010. The course consists of a small introductory written insert and 6 CDs, which provide for over 6 hours of content. Each CD is about 1 hour and the CD topics are as follows:
Session 1: The Path to Hands-On Healing
Session 2: From Experimental to Clinical Research
Session 3: The Image Cycling Technique
Session 4: Expanding the Practice to Others
Session 5: Hands-On Healing Techniques
Session 6: Other Applications for Hands-On Healing
Audio Course Content & Personal Commentary
My interest in energy healing began indirectly when I was still in my teens. It wasn’t until the last few years however, that I began to understand it, its amazing potential, our natural ability to do it, and take it more seriously. Hence, when the opportunity to experience this course for myself came along, I was all too excited to try it out myself. At this point, I am at the beginning stages of my practice using William’s method, and what happens next depends on how much practice I invest in the technique. Having gone through the whole course, I also know that it will provide most value and benefit, if one clearly understands what to expect from it.
The first two discs are a presentation and explanation of William’s work. William shares how he himself got into this field, and some of his laboratory and clinical experience with energy healing. This is the section that provides the theory behind this healing modality. For those who have read William’s book The Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-on Healing before doing this course, they will most likely find this section repetitive. For myself, having read the book before the course, I personally enjoyed the review. For those not interested in the science behind William’s work, this section may also prove to be less than exciting, and perhaps even boring.
The 3rd and 4th disc begin with the practical applications by introducing the student to the image cycling technique. This technique sounds fun for the most part when first introduced, but is needless to say challenging in various ways based on how our mind works. However, this is an integral aspect of William’s healing method. Thus, even though one can go through the course in 6 hours straight, or 6 days of 1 hour, lots of practice is recommended during and between going through these 2 discs. On both disc 3 and 4, William offers a few practice sessions, which he guides the listener through.
In the last two discs, William guides the listener through some hands-on healing practice alongside the cycling technique. William also clearly covers ethical and moral implications of energy healing. The last disc, ends off with a nice guided meditation incorporated with image cycling.
Throughout the course, William is not shy about admitting that he truly does not know how this all works, or does he have all the answers. From his 35 years of clinical and research experience, he knows the hands-on energy healing technique works. However, as to the “how”, William has more questions than answers. Ultimately, he encourages all of his students to have fun first and foremost, not making this healing modality into any kind of ritual.
Thus, he is excited to share this technique with others, and teach it to others, so that many more can benefit from being able to heal and be healed. He not only encourages all his students to stay in touch with him, and share their experience as they go, but also to make this technique and healing potential even better.
This course is an excellent value in my opinion, where for around $40, one can get over 6 hours of a wonderful foundation to one type of method, of energy healing. Those with an open, inquisitive or even skeptical mind will most likely enjoy and benefit from this course.
As William takes his work very seriously, having adhered to strict scientific protocols in all his laboratory experiments, this is in no way some “hocus-pocus” material. Thus any student expecting some easy and instantaneous results may walk away bored or disappointed. Unless we are natural born healers, as with anything else, practice makes perfect. Hence, the more practice we put into this method, the more confident we become, and normally the more powerful is our ability to channel the Universal energy to heal others.
I personally enjoyed this course and am very grateful for bringing it into my experience. I appreciate William’s hard work, dedication and seriousness about the subject matter, even at times when I wished he would not make it so serious from a science perspective, embracing more of the Universal spiritual potential.
William’s image cycling technique is an interesting thing on its own. The challenge starts right at the start of trying to make a conscious list of 20 items we want and then it grows when we try to cycle through these images. In the first practice sessions William offers, he guides the rate of cycling and I have to admit I was almost ready to give up and say this is impossible. But as noted above, practice makes the difference. The best part about this technique of image cycling is that it is an amazing tool for manifesting things in your life that you want, regardless of whether you decide to heal or not.
In the end, I realize that this course will only appeal to a small part of our population at this time, but will no doubt grow in popularity, as more of us embrace our energetic nature.
Aside from the course, I also recommend the book William wrote The Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-on Healing, which goes into greater detail about his journey and 35 years of energy healing experiences. Although the book and audio course each stand on their own, I feel they complement each other well, regardless of which material is engaged in first. You can read my review of The Energy Cure here.
The Hands-On Healing Course is now available in major bookstores and online stores. You can get more information on the course, read reviews or purchase your own copy from below:
Hands-on Healing: A Training Course in the Energy Cure (Audio CD)
by William Bengston
The Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-on Healing (Paperback)
by William Bengston, Sylvia Fraser